Category Archives: Oncosurgery

Trans­form­ing min­i­mal-ac­cess gy­nae­co­log­i­cal surgery

Dubai — As a veteran of health­care with a dou­ble in­ter­na­tional ac­cred­i­ta­tion (the Joint Com­mis­sion In­ter­na­tional and the Aus­tralian Coun­cil on Health­care Stan­dards), and a third now as the Ac­cred­ited GESEA Train­ing Cen­tre, the Dubai London Clinic and Spe­cial­ity Hos­pi­tal has a long her­itage of ex­cel­lence in the pro­vi­sion of top-notch qual­ity, ac­ces­si­ble and pa­tient­cen­tered ser­vices within the UAE health­care field. True to its mis­sion, the or­gan­i­sa­tion has been keep­ing track with the global tech­no­log­i­cal ad­vance­ments and in­no­va­tions that have seen sur­gi­cal tech­niques in min­i­mal-ac­cess surgery rapidly grow and be­come more de­sir­able.

Fibroid Removal

Over 80% of women between 30 and 50 years of age have uterine fibroids. Depending on their size and location, fibroids can be completely asymptomatic or can cause pelvic pain, dyspareunia, pressure, urinary problems, and recurrent menorrhagia. There are several new operative techniques that don’t require major surgery. Laparoscopic myoma coagulation – myolysis is an alternative to myomectomy.